Chantier Davie Canada, Québec
Davie is located in Québec and has built, converted, repaired and upgraded almost every form of vessel, rig and offshore platform including tankers, bulk carriers, containerships, fishing vessels, ferries, naval vessels and jack-up and semi-submersible drilling and production platforms.
With its strong engineering disciplines and fully integrated, self-sufficient fabrication facilities, Davie’s versatility has enabled it to leverage the best practices and transferable skills acquired from two centuries of shipbuilding to provide products and services for industries including natural resources, rail, hydro-electric and nuclear power, defence and more.
Champlain Dry-dock: 351 x 36,57 m (can be divided with central gate to 194,5 m & 147m)
Lorne Dry-dock: 182,95 x 18,89 m
Davie’s Quality Assurance (QA) program is compliant to ISO 9001:2008 for engineering, program management and for the fabrication of offshore structures, military and commercial shipbuilding, conversion and repair and also heavy industrial components.
Website Davie